Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mexico ("^_____^")

                                                  Home Sweet Home(":

Ill be in Mexico May 31, throw June 5,(":
My airplane ticket from Italy to Mexico is $748.59

                                       Well the Main reson ill be going to Mexico is because i miss all
my family&& really want to see them,there for I decided to go(":
                                   Allso i wont be paying for any Hotel...
                                                                Ill be staying with my grama(": In Michuacan,Mexico OOOOH YAHHHHHHHH MICHUACAN""":"D
                                                   Well i wont be talking much!!!
                                          Ill just show you some images of what ill be doing...
This are some of MEXICOS GREAT waterfalls(":
There AWESOME(":
Food i missed eating...I think in these 5days i well gaine acopule pounds(":Hahahahaa Yes as you can see I well ENJOY ever moment:"D
What can I say...I missed my Town,Country,&&people(":


Well you cant go wrong SOCCER is MEXICANS fav sport(": ill sure be doing that with all my cusins,uncles,&&old friends(":

And last but not lest MEXICAN PARTIES("^_____^")

You know how we do...
We do parties in the STEETS(":

Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh STREETS PARTIES(": Were just so unique(":

My Transportastion(":

&&just incase my Donky gets tiyerd...I got this AWESOME car with Wagen Wheels:"D With GREAT speed it can go up to 5mph...Isnt that FAST""(":

On average ill be spending about $300 witch=3,000 pesos a day:"D
Wooooooow Mexico is just GREAT Iwould NEVER finish showing you all the GREAT places&&Resons why Mexico is GREAT...But for now you got an idea of the things ill be doing(":
I spend about $2,248.59 witch=about $22,500 pesos(";
Im left with $11,487.67

Monday, May 9, 2011



                                                      One of the main resons ill be going too Italy is because Thats were FERRARIES are manufactured,will too be exact...There manufactured in Maranello,Italy...My Airplane ticket from France too Italy is $25 && the hotel ill be staying in for five nights is about $355
Ill be at Italy May 25,throw May 30(":

WooooooooooW this is the BEST places EVER(":
FERRARIE WORLD ("^______^")

                                                               Maranello Village(":

This is were Ferrartes get Manufactured(":

Oooooo Yahhhh:"D
                                   And ill for sure buy this AWESOME italy&&ferraie jacket at the Maranello Village(";
Its about $150(": Its Sooo worth it:"D

 Every year about 250.00 person visit the rooms that expose racing cars. prototypes and granturismo.


Maranello Village features official Ferrari merchandise and information about the nearby Galleria Ferrari museum. It offers modern guest rooms with free Wi-Fi access.
This four-star hotel is set at the foot of the Apennines. It is surrounded by greenery and has an internal courtyard and bike paths.
At Maranello Village you will find a relaxation area.
There is a pizzeria and an exclusive restaurant with over 150 different wines. The cafe is open for breakfast and pre-dinner drinks.
Maranello Village features official Ferrari merchandise and information about the nearby Galleria Ferrari museum. It offers modern guest rooms with free Wi-Fi access
 Ill be spending about $200 a day...Because ill be buying lots of ferrarie stuff in Maranello Village(":
Ill enjoy all the five days ill be staying...Its a dream come true:D
Ill be doing all type of stuff at Maranello Village
I spend about $730
Im left with 13,736.26