Ill be in Tokyo Japan in May 17....
My Aiplane ticket from New York to Tokoyo Japan is $865.00
Ill be staying in a hotel for 3nights and it is about $591.54 for 3nights.
Weather In Tokyo Japan for the month of May is,23C,73F
The BEST places in Tokyo to go drifting...
Drifting D1 AT Fuji...
Drifting D1 AT Fuji...
On the first day ill be visitng Underground Street Racing Paradise
Here is a video of my DREAM car..Drifting in a nissan 350Z &&what goes down in Tokoyo city...(: And this is all live for FREE(": Street Recaing...

Ill be wasting about $125.00 on average per day on Transpotaastion,food,Snacks&&personal needs.
Tokyo Japan is a GREAT pleace to visit if you are into Cars,Drifting,Reacing &&For The Need Of Speed...
I spent about $1,831.54 in Tokyo Japan For the 3nights I stayed there.
Im Left with $16,470.06
And on my way too France("^____^")