My airplane ticket:From Denver Co.-New York,On May 12,2011 Well be $699.40 And the hotel ill be staying in For 3 nights from May 13 to May 16 well be $624 at the Thirty Thirty New York Hotel
ThirtyThirty New York(:
Weather on April:Average high;60f Average low;7f April can be rainy,but warmer that make it Comfortable(There is a average of over 4inches of Precipitation on April.

(New York Twin Memorial)
This one of the GREAT places of New York that Hundreds of people visit!!!
Hope to Enjoy all the time i get to be in New York...
This is 1 of the great places I well be visting in New York city...
And some of this Fast Food that well help me get throw the week...("=
In Average ill be spending $125 a day on Food,transportation and personal needs....
Its May 16,and Im left with $18,301.60 and on my way to Tockyo-Japan...!!!("^_^")
Its May 16,and Im left with $18,301.60 and on my way to Tockyo-Japan...!!!("^_^")