Home Sweet Home(":
Ill be in Mexico May 31, throw June 5,(":
My airplane ticket from Italy to Mexico is $748.59
Well the Main reson ill be going to Mexico is because i miss all
my family&& really want to see them,there for I decided to go(":
Allso i wont be paying for any Hotel...
Ill be staying with my grama(": In Michuacan,Mexico OOOOH YAHHHHHHHH MICHUACAN""":"D
Well i wont be talking much!!!
Ill just show you some images of what ill be doing...
This are some of MEXICOS GREAT waterfalls(":

There AWESOME(":
Food i missed eating...I think in these 5days i well gaine acopule pounds(":
Hahahahaa Yes as you can see I well ENJOY ever moment:"D

And last but not lest MEXICAN PARTIES("^_____^")
You know how we do...
We do parties in the STEETS(":
My Transportastion(":
&&just incase my Donky gets tiyerd...I got this AWESOME car with Wagen Wheels:"D With GREAT speed it can go up to 5mph...Isnt that FAST""(":
On average ill be spending about $300 witch=3,000 pesos a day:"D
Wooooooow Mexico is just GREAT Iwould NEVER finish showing you all the GREAT places&&Resons why Mexico is GREAT...But for now you got an idea of the things ill be doing(":
I spend about $2,248.59 witch=about $22,500 pesos(";
Im left with $11,487.67
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